Monday, September 3, 2012

Pharmacy Conference

The first weekend of August, I went to my pharmacy fraternity's national meeting in Lexington, KY. This year's conference was focused on personal development and leadership. Three of us drove through the night on Thursday and arrived at 6am the following morning in Lexington. We did find some time for sight-seeing and came across this old castle nearby. Turns out it only costs about $300 per night to stay.

The University of Kentucky was only 2 blocks from our hotel, so we explored the campus on Saturday.

Their College of Pharmacy building is slightly larger than the one at Drake...

It turned out that our hotel was also connected to Rupp Arena, which is where Kentucky basketball games are held. They are one of the best programs in the country. Unfortunately I was not able to get a peak inside to see the court.

Saturday night was what everyone was waiting for, the awards banquet for the year. Last year our chapter won the Thurston cup for the top chapter in the country, which is based on scoring for reports of scholarship, leadership, service, brotherhood, chapter publication, and a window display. We were surprised and thrilled to win the award back-to-back years. There are approximately 70 chapters in the country, and our chapter has won the award 6 of the last 13 years, a pretty good streak.

Thurston cup
Our haul for the evening

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